
We concentrate on designing fibre optic lighting systems that offer tremendous flexibility as well as offering the safest method of lighting valuable artefacts.

  • Adjustable between spot for highlighting and flood for a general wash of light. (20° – 60°)

  • Available as standard in powder coated black or white and anodised aluminium (natural)

  • Also available by request. Powder coated to any RAL colour, colour anodised, chrome or brass

  • Can be fitted with a range of effect and colour gels


Aluminium or brass with glass lens. Cut out diameter 17mm.

Powder coated, anodised, chrome, polished brass

Ordering Codes

DL22-01 Powder coated in white
DL22-02 Powder coated in black
DL22-03 Anodised aluminium (natural)
DL22-04 Polished brass
DL22-05 Polished chrome
Powder coated in any RAL colour, please ring for details.
Anodised colour, please ring for details.

some of our clients include